jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2017

Criticism Toward Critics

The "movie world" always have been surronded by people that evaluates the cinematographic productions. The objetive of this critics its supoused to evaluate the quality of the films in an "objective view".

However nowadays the reality is other. Usually the critics are moved and influenced by their feelings and personal tastes. For example, the tend to compare a bluckbuster movie with an art movie, wich is wrong because the have a lot of diferences(an also the audience its diferent too), It's just just people shouldn't evaluate a child movie comparing it with an R rated movie.

Another problem with critics the have is that there are a lot of "corrupted" reviewers. Many studios and people pay a lot of money in order to get good reviews.

The problem with all this is that al lot of people get influenced by the critics in the moment to decide wich movie they will see.

So, the people need to hava a more critic view, they need to learn to think for themselves, without an external influence. And use this critics only for research or like an complementary opinion. In other words, they need to criticesm the critics.

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